
Qodes Technologies provides customized secure code review services to help you identify and fix security vulnerabilities in your application at the development stage. A number of security loopholes in both web and mobile apps originate right when the code is being written and developers either ignore or are unaware of secure coding practices. A secure code review is perhaps a better investment of your time and resources than penetration testing is and can help you fix basic flaws when it is still quick and easy to do so, and before any major damage has been done. While a number of app development companies use automated solutions to scan their code, these tools are often not adequate to detect and address all security issues in application code.

Our code review team has years of experience both creating applications and conducting secure code reviews. We use a combination of automated and manual reviews to find and suggest fixes for coding errors that may eventually lead to serious security issues.

Qodes Technologies review methods are designed to inspect the loops in your application code. Thus, no compromises are made while deployment of the application.

Our reviewers are expert in securing crucial data storage and suggest solutions for your coders that has more detailed checks to find all instances of common vulnerabilities.

Application Logic
We will start by reviewing the coding practices and guidelines you follow, and suggest modifications if necessary. Our reviewers will then meet your development team to understand the application under development, focusing on its security design and architecture.

Code Review
The next step is the actual deep dive into the application code to carefully scan the security-specific parts of it. These include functions that handle user authentication, session management, and validation of data. We also look for poor coding techniques that may make your application more vulnerable to attacks.

Open-Source Analysis
If you are using third-party frameworks and libraries to develop your app, we will look at these frameworks and try to identify any security issues that they may introduce. With their years of experience reviewing code for vulnerabilities, our reviewers can quickly identify common flaws found in the most popular third-party frameworks, and help you plan and implement workarounds.

Review Report
The final step in the review process is the preparation of a comprehensive source code review report detailing all the vulnerabilities that were identified during the process, and the remediation steps to fix these flaws. In addition to these, the report will include an analysis of your coding practices and suggestions to improve or modify these with a focus on cyber defense and security.